Les Messes Claustrophobiennes
Les Messes Claustrophobiennes are all about frustration. I usually like to work around a concept. For Les Messes, my first intent was trying to express the assertion that life and the world we live in are too small for us :that every place, even the biggest look like a dark closet. But the thing with Les Messes Claustrophobiennes is that it took me 10 years to finish it.
In 1998, I was about to releases it but I felt like this project needed to go further. So I decided to rework everything and finally, after 10 years of pain, doubt, trial-and-error, at last it was sounding the way I wanted. During this period, another kind of frustration was included in the project, about our physical inability to express our thoughts and feelings in their totality. In geek talk, it's like our brain is a too much powerfull CPU attached to an output with a too low bandwidth. Then we have to do a very way difficult choice to discriminate between pertient and useless information destined to be etheir kept or discarded.